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Economy Game Design Services

Optimizing Your In-Game Economy, Conversion, Monetization and Lifetime Value (LTV)

Our economy design consultants answer hard questions for clients such as:

  1. How to design and implement effective progression
  2. How to balance your in-game economy
  3. How to approach monetization
  4. How to appropriately price items in your free-to-play game
  5. How to increase conversion
  6. How to approach new ways of monetization, such as Web3

We can provide all of the above services on a fixed-term or ongoing basis, depending on your needs.

How We Can Help


Design or optimize in-game progression, to engage your players for the long-term so they keep playing and making purchases in your game.


Conceive a master monetization strategy, and integrate the features and content needed to execute that strategy into the game’s economy and progression systems.


Balance your current in-game economy to support your progression system, and create ample opportunities for monetization.

Economy Game Design Services

How it Works

Large scale free-to-play game economies rival the complexity and currency-flow volume of a small country, but one in which the game team controls both supply and demand. As such, masters of economy design tend to be highly specialized, and rare. Our economy design engagements typically come in one of two types, "early stage", and "late stage".

Early Stage Engagements

"Early stage engagements" typically focus on defining the overall currency and progression systems, and how those systems integrate with core and meta game systems. A heavy emphasis is placed on modeling these economic systems as a way to vet the overall design concepts, and spec-ing implementation and tools development tasks.

Late Stage Engagements

"Late stage engagements" are usually more about troubleshooting issues. These typically start by modeling the economy as a way to understand the details of the current systems operation and weak points, and then we move on to rebalancing the economy systems to better drive desired results. Often when rebalancing, we find deficiencies or limitations in the current systems designs that need to be corrected, and design and implementation support is applied to do so.

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