Mobile Game Doctor Logo

Accessibility Tools

We make every effort to make this website as accessible as possible, and we do not use any accessibility
overlays as they can make it harder to use this website. Please see our Accessibility Statement for more information on the steps we take to try and make this website as accessible as possible.

Browser Assistive Tools and Information

If you are not currently using assistive technology to access this website and need assistance viewing it, here are some tools and information on the built-in-accessibility features and extensions you can use depending on your website browser. 

Supported Assistive Technology

If you are not using a screen reader, here are some options you can download.

Keyboard Navigation Tips

The website was set up to allow for keyboard navigation. If you are unfamiliar with keyboard navigation, here are some standard keystrokes used in web browsers.

  • Tab – move to the next focusable element.
  • Shift+Tab – move to the previous focusable element.
  • Enter – activate the current link or button.
  • Space – check or uncheck a checkbox or radio button. Will also activate a button that currently has focus.
  • Up/Down arrow keys – move between radio buttons or, in some cases, menu links.
  • Right/Left arrow keys – in some cases, move between menu links or adjust sliders in audio and video plugins.
  • Escape – Close an element that has appeared dynamically, such as a popup menu or dialog. After the element closes, the focus should return to the element that spawned it.

If you still have issues accessing this website, please use our accessibility help form.

Other Resources

Learn more about the efforts we are taking to make this website more accessible
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